Storyjs is a javascript library similar to the story areas we often use in our social media applications. If you want to create and manage storyboard for your website, you only need to add the storyjs between the project files. Afterwards, you can arrange its appearance according to your wishes.


Install with terminal

            npm install storyjs

Import js file

            import storyjs from "storyjs";

Import scss or css file

            @import "storyjs/src/story-styles.scss";
// OR
@import "storyjs/dist/storyjs-styles.css";


            const items = [
                id: 1,
                profilePic: "",
                modalPic: "",
                title: "Sample Item",
                time: 10,
                id: 2,
                profilePic: "",
                modalPic: "",
                title: "Sample Item",
                time: 3, 
const sample = new storyjs({
  selector: "#storyjs-selector"


itemsArraynullArray should come as shown above. ID values must be in order. The inside of each Object must be prepared with the same variables.
selectorString#storyjs-selectorThe container to be selected for the creation of Storyjs must be written on the page.